Hailing from the moderately beautiful city of Cluj, heart of not so dreadful Transylvania, the dreamophone duet has started with a hasty written Ipod note saying 'website for dreams' written on our way to the café.
If you ever wondered what dreamophone stands for, well, it's dreams and gramophone.
Like a gramophone for dreams. You know, a dreamophone.
Or rather the last resort in an epic saga to find the true name for our dream journal.
So if you know how to read and write, don't be a stranger and join us!
We started off wanting a dream journal.
That evolved into something where people can write, read, and do whatever they wish to with their dreams, without any social pressure.
With, of course, the benefits of a social network.
We want to put a stop to forgetting dreams and a start to dreamtelling worldwide.
We want to give people a way to keep their dreams private. Or not. We want to give them the chance to share their dreams anonymously, but still get feedback.
In our own, little, insignificant way, we want to help people.
Well, no. You don't really need anything.
However, if you want to post, appreciate, follow or comment, you need one.
You can reach the Create account form by clicking on `Login/Register` and then on the
`Create account` button.
After you have an account, you can post your dreams publicly, privately or anonymously.
You can edit your dreams from their pages, where you
can also delete comments that you or somebody else wrote on your dream.
You can show your appreciation to other people's dreams ( yes, you can expand a dream in the dream stream by clicking on it ).
You can even follow users you find interesting.
And then filter the homepage dream stream so it shows only dreams from people you follow.
You can check out statistics like dream frequency, tag and user popularity in the time interval of your choosing.
You should use whatever language you like most.
Homepage statistics show last months' most popular tags.
Tag page statistics show the top users that used that tag, from the beginning of dreamophone.
The statistics on your page show your most used tags, also since the beginning of dreamophone.
When you post, you can select the dream date if it's not older than 3 days.
You can't add older dreams because we want you to keep an accurate dream journal.
This also helps us build better statistics.
We intend to extend and improve, we have a long waiting list of things we thought about doing and things our users thought about we should do.
Our oregon trail includes:
You can always keep track with dreamophone and our updates through
Anything else you'd like to know? Drop us a line at [email protected] or through one of our contact forms.